Hostage Negotiation / Kidnap and Ransom Experts
Hostage negotiations start with 2 opposing sides, one side decides to abduct a valued member of the others family and turn that person into a valuable commodity, thereby removing emotional constructs and using that persons safe return as emotional leverage to force the other side to pay a ransom.
(SIAG) have the experience to see beyond the obvious,…active listening, empathy, rapport, behavioural change, influence, etc., all elements of normal negotiation. (SIAG) are experts in mental manipulation, the ability to get into the mind of their opponent, the ability to use open closed and leading questions in such a way that it enables our negotiators break down the elements of an argument into smaller digestible chunks that can be discussed / evaluated at a microbial level. This enables our negotiators to get the better of the opposing party as they explain to them the futility of their endeavours and the fact that whatever they say or do will be analysed and broken down until a pattern/fault or error emerges giving (SIAG) the unseen advantage over the hostage takers to ensure the freedom and safety of their captive party.